Edge of Hell 2021


10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Event Type


Timed Race

Waha, ID

Saturday, February 27, 2021, 10:00 AM

Registration:   Check-in and same-day registration begins at 9:00 a.m. at the start/finish area. Parking is available approximately 1/2 mile north of the start/finish area (carpooling is encouraged).  For more information contact our race director, Romney Hogaboam (rd@romneyh.com or 208-413-0050). Visit our website, https://seaportstriders.com, for more club information.

Cost:   $10 run only or $25 with a knit winter cap.  You must register by February 12th to guarantee a cap. We are waiving our late registration fee this year, but encourage early registration.  Seaport Striders club members receive a $2 discount! Mail Entry Form and check payable to: Seaport Striders, P.O. Box 20, Lewiston, ID. 83501. No refunds.

Course:  Both distances consist of just one loop (with an additional out-and-back on the long course), nearly entirely on unpaved roads. There may be snow, please plan accordingly! This is a timed race.

Options: 4 miles or 12 km.

Notice: Self-supported run with no water stations on course. Refreshments at start/finish area.

Awards:  Awards to overall Male and Female winners for each course distance.

Covid Plan: We plan to hold the run with a format which depends on the Idaho Staged Reopening plan. Details here. As of 2/4/21, Idaho is in Stage 3 and Nez Perce has no more restrictive guidelines.

On-Line Registration

Mail-in and same-day registration form

Short Course Map (Clockwise) (download gpx file)

Long Course (Clockwise) (download gpx file)

Conditions as of 10:30 am, 2/26/2021:

There was slush on the road from last night, much of which melted between 10:30 am and 11:00 am. The parking area is approximately 11 miles south of the intersection of Tammany Creek Road and Waha Road. Starting about 5 miles south of the intersection of Tammany Creek Road and Waha Road, there was snow on the road, though the snow plow / gravel truck was working the road. From Redbird Road on, there was a significant snow floor. There were about 2 inches of fresh snow on both Waha Road and Stagecoach Road at the north intersection. Conditions on Stagecoach Road, with just the 2 inches of snow, are significantly better than a couple weeks ago. I took an all-wheel drive vehicle, with summer tires, and didn’t have any trouble, though I took is slow. A rear-wheel drive vehicle without some weight in the rear might have a little more difficulty in spite of the road having been graveled.

Driving/Road Conditions:

Parking Area:

Waha Road at Start Area:

Stagecoach Road at North Intersection: