Electronic Registration

Starting this year, we are pleased to offer electronic registration on our website! This allows us to offer lower fees, better financial and membership tracking, and better sales tax compliance. We are collecting less personally identifiable information (such as birthdate) for everyone and minimal information for children (no email, address, or telephone number). While there will likely be some growing pains, we’ve done our best to work out the kinks. If you have trouble, please contact Romney at (208) 413-0050.

Edge of Hell

St. Patrick’s Day

Run for the Hill of It

Benefit Run

LC Half Marathon & 5k

Santa Run

Common Questions

Q: Why are you changing?
A: Marketplace facilitator laws placed specific requirements on registration websites such as RaceEntry and UltraSignup. Although these laws are intended to assure and simplify sales tax compliance, there are some unintended consequences which made tax collection and reporting more difficult for us. Bringing the entire process in-house helps simplify those difficulties.

Q: I like to register on race day. Can I still do that?
A: Yes! Each race director can choose when to close electronic registration for their race. We currently plan to offer cash/check registration on race day for all events and electronic registration on race day for certain events.

Q: Can I register multiple people at a time?
A: Yes! You can register your whole family and check out in a single transaction.

Q: Can I register for multiple events at once?
A: Yes! You can register for more any/all upcoming races for the calendar year at once if you prefer.